In the journey of personal and professional growth, it's inevitable to encounter people who undermine you or bring a competitive, negative energy into your life. From people stealing my slogan or subtly trying to render me obsolete in other settings in life in the past... These individuals often project chaos and disruption, hindering your progress and peace. Here's why it's crucial to keep such people at arm's length and not waste energy trying to win them over (it's not your duty to be the hater-whisperer).1. Energy Drainers:Underminers and haters are notorious for draining your energy. Their negative attitude and constant...

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Disclaimer: I love my lanes, I am simply sharing insight for those who don't have this luxury and need advocacy. It's never the issue of a severely disabled person that a role isn't able to be accommodated to full-on Telework permanently, that's a role-specific problem: the onus is not on us to suddenly cure a chronic impairing HEALTH condition for the in-adaptability of some role (that's the a case of the undue hardship thresh-hold getting tested, you can't grow your legs back if you're an amputee, and you can't suddenly step out of your "mental wheelchair" if you have something...

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I have some questions for the people who count the time and money of others in a negative manner and project their own issues to bring down their dreams: if they're not able to balance a full-time job, a side-hustle, and a disability: that's OK, but I clearly am. I deserve to make enough money to give back to my fundraiser and live my best life. I hope they learn to mind their business, truly. If they get satisfaction from trying to bring other people down, they need more hobbies.

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Have you ever experienced a moment of eerie familiarity, where the faces of strangers seem to echo the ghosts of your past? Recent experiences remind me of this: In the Summer of 2021, I walked to the train station from my gym, only to find a group of individuals who bore an uncanny resemblance to those bothering me today in terms of type of person, stature, and industry (for those of the monitoring spirits who actually have jobs).In that chilling flashback, I remember how one of them seemed to anticipate my every move, swiftly closing the distance between us with an unsettling determination....

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In a world where progress seems to be constantly marching forward, it’s disheartening to acknowledge that there are still individuals who view saved weaker people, such as women, for instance, through a lens of degradation and objectification and that some people are still ignorant enough to see that as "friendly" when it is taking a form of unwanted intimacy by force and eroding personal autonomy and free choice. While some may argue that such behaviour is a relic of the past or a rarity in modern society, the truth is that it persists, sometimes lurking in the shadows of business,...

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